outdoor activities: Stop at road junctions – The Outdoor Women

As with the guidance of groups in any other outdoor activity (walking, cycling or horse) when he meets the road is just the guide,...

Provide rest and replenishment of water – The Outdoor Women

As discussed in more than one occasion, having water is crucial. But often find water along the way, and therefore we must set our...

RF health and outdoors – The Outdoor Women

One of the adverse health less discussed (but controversial) of the latest wireless technology applications is the radio frequency, widely used in outdoor activities...

Set the course depending on the time of daylight – The Outdoor Women

Obviously, going outside without regard to artificial lighting there is minimal media, and most of the time nonexistent, is making a mistake typical citizen...

Take a first aid kit – The Outdoor Women

Clearly, however short it is a crossing route or outdoors, and it is the activity that is (cycling, hiking, mountaineering, skiing, horseback riding, etc..)...

The risk of getting wet outdoor – The Outdoor Women

As happens with the snow, the water falling from the sky can be a blessing or a curse for someone who is conducting an...

Things To Consider When Owning a Boat – The Outdoor Women

Spending time on the water is a favorite activity for many people. Boating, in particular, is a common activity because it allows you to...

Toenails should be cut – The Outdoor Women

You have to cut your toenails before a walk. To avoid injuries. It seems silly, but if left long nails of the feet, these...

Check that we have the boots securely tied – The Outdoor Women

Check your boots well have tied both to start up, as when we started to descend (in the case of a route sections “Air”)....

wear boots with some use – The Outdoor Women

Wear boots and clothing with a certain application. This rule applies primarily to the boots or buskin (military boots), no slippers or shoes. The...