Drifting a spawn sack from the snow covered edge of a stream a Steelhead takes the bait and the angler sets the hook. The fish dances while being played to the net. Steelheads like fast water over 42 degrees with a preference of 55 to 65 degrees. In lakes they are silvery with a dark back, white stomach and a pinkish lateral line. During the spawn the male develops a hooked jaw. Rainbow and Steelhead trout are different strains of the same species of fish and not natives. They are Pacific Coast stock and tend to longer and more streamlined.
Lake Ontario Fishing Regulations
Treat Steelheads like rainbows. Steelheads are rainbows that moved to a large body of water at an early age, grew and returned to spawn. Steelhead feed on smelt and alewife and can weigh over 20 pounds in Lake Ontario.
Angeling Methods – drift fishing from shore, casting, drifting by boat and trolling.
- ROD- Your choice.
- LINE- Use superior 6 to 8 pound test line with 2 to 6 pound leader.
- HOOKS- Short shanked hooks matched to the size of your bait.
- LIVE BAIT- Fish spawn in egg sacks or single eggs. In some area worms and
- wigglers are productive.
ARTIFICIALS– Small spinners. When casting use spoons, wiggling plugs and minnow emulating lures. Flat lining, running planer boards and down riggers will bring fish to the net.
Soon Steelheads will be staging at the mouth of streams and rivers for the spawning cycle.
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