Setting out on an adventure – The Outdoor Women

car camping

Setting out on an adventure doesn’t have to involve tents and camping in the wilderness. There are plenty of ways to make your way from place to place without spending money on hotels or dropping the nightly fee for a campsite, and the most comfortable (and safest) option is to car camp. Car camping is the act of sleeping in your vehicle in the evenings, often at rest stops or in secluded areas.

For the most comfortable experience, there are a few essential items you’ll need to include. The first group of items you’ll need include cooking gear, depending on how long you plan to be away from civilization. A cooler can be tremendously helpful, allowing you to keep drinks cold and perishable items on hand for longer before purchasing more. Coffee systems such as an Aeropress or similar items can provide fresh coffee in the mornings without the need for electricity.

Another necessity for long-term car camping is a dining set. It does little good to have the necessary tools for cooking if you don’t have anything to eat your food on. A set of coated dishes that cleans easily and is dishwasher safe is ideal for car camping. It makes it easy to clean up after your meals and can be tossed into dishwashers if you stay in an AirBNB or a hotel with a dishwasher.

Another major essential is a sleeping bag. Many people like to lay back the driver or passenger seats and sleep in a reclined position, but others will lay the back seats down and stretch out. Sleeping bags provide greater comfort and warmth regardless of the position you choose.

A final essential that can be useful is a dark sheet to place over your possessions when not in your vehicle. This will safeguard your possessions and lessen the chances that a thief may take interest in your items.

These car camping essentials will make your trip more enjoyable and ensure you have the best experience possible during your adventure.

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