The boat license is not mandatory for the control and management of vessels and pleasure boats that sail within 6 miles and are equipped with motors with less than described above. In this case, who takes command and the pipe must have one of the following requirements:
At least 18 years for vessels
Be at least 16 years, for boats with engine
Be at least 14 years for vessels sailing sail area than four square meters, rowing and sailing over 1 mile
The age requirements are not taken into consideration for the purposes of education, conducted by schools starting to water sports run by the national federations and the Italian Navy League, and their training and racing activities, provided that such activities are conducted under the responsibility of schools and participants are covered by civil liability for damage caused to persons on board and third parties. Before applying for a boating license its better to try free boaters license test
To obtain a boat license, the applicant, age, must submit to inspections by the psycho-physical structure specified in the Regulation on the regulation of navigation licenses.
The application must be submitted in duplicate in stamp duty and, ( facsimile request) to the Competent Authority, including those listed in the following para, and accompanied by a medical certificate, two passport photographs and the certification of the payment of tribute to admission exams.
With the copy of the application, complete with visa, date and registration number affixed by the Authority, and a personal identity document, the applicant is allowed, temporarily, to practice the command and conduct of recreational craft, within the limits of ‘certification request, provided that there is an instructor on board fitted with a boat license issued at least three years, with rating equal to or greater than that required by the individual.
Then the candidate to obtain the document must take and pass the theoretical and practical examinations, according to the schedules to the license to be achieved (the programs are listed in Appendices 4, 5 and 6).
The boat license for pleasure boats (required) can be obtained after at least three years from the attainment of licenses for sailing and motor sailing without limit from the coast, after passing a special knowledge examination on matters not included in the review program for ‘qualification held, and practical.
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