Leave What You Find – The Outdoor Women

Historical and archeological sites:

woodpeckerRemnants of the past can be found on national, state, and private lands. Enjoy and learn from these sites, but remember that some of these are sacred to Native Americans, or are important cultural reminders of our heritage. Respect these sites and treasures. Help pre serve the past for the future: do not disturb historical and archeological sites or remove any objects from them. This is prohibited by federal law. Do not camp in or near these special features as this can disturb valuable information that can never be reclaimed.

Protecting wildlife and plants:
Good hunters and naturalists learn by quiet observation. They do not disturb wildlife or plants just for a “better look.” Observe wildlife from a distance so they are not scared or forced to flee. If you’re hunting, know your game and take only safe, good shots.

Wildflowers, picturesque trees, and unusual rock formations all contribute to the natural beauty we enjoy and are best left undisturbed. If you pick berries or edible plants, pick only those that are abundant, and leave plenty for wildlife and next year’s supply. There’s no need to chop at trees or leave logs lashed to trees as tables, chairs, etc. Leave the land and its resources intact for the future.

One of the most important components of outdoor ethics is to maintain courtesy toward others. It helps everyone enjoy their outdoor experience. Excessive noise, unleashed pets and damaged surroundings take away from everyone’s experience.

Keep the noise level down while traveling. Many people come to the out doors to listen to nature. If you bring a radio, tapes or CDs, use head phones so you will not disturb others. Groups leading or riding livestock have the right-of-way on trails. Hikers and bicyclists should move off the trail to the downhill side. Talk quietly to the riders as they pass, since horses are spooked easily.

Stay in control when mountain biking. Before passing others, announce your presence and proceed with caution.

Keep pets under control at all times. Please pick up dog feces from camps and trails. No one wants someone’s pet running through the area, frightening people or wildlife or leaving behind unwanted “presents.” Some areas prohibit dogs or require them to be on a leash at all times.

Leave gates as you find them, and leave the land undisturbed for others to enjoy. Remember, our open spaces and wild lands are protected for all generations of Americans. It is up to us to keep them healthy, beautiful and open to the public for recreation, reflection and revitalization!

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