King Salmon Guides – Alaska – The Outdoor Women

solid fishing, flexibility, reasonable rates, top-flight guides

King-Salmon-smallAlaska offers fly-out lodges, float trips, or camps that concentrate on a single river and use jet boats for transportation. King Salmon Guides offer a combination of options to suit the visiting angler and provide the potential to experience some of the Alaska’s best fishing.

King Salmon Guides is owned and operated by four young “entrepreneurs” who had previously guided for a number of lodges in the Bristol Bay region. They bring a wide range of skills, tremendous enthusiasm and confidence, solid fishing knowledge and customer service.

King-SalmonKing Salmon Guides is located in the town of King Salmon, on the Alaskan Peninsula, in the heart of the Bristol Bay wilderness. The Naknek River flows near town and some of the best fishing is minutes away via the camp’s jet-powered boats. Though the Naknek provides plenty of scenic beauty and angling potential, many anglers want to sample other fishing waters. King Salmon Guides offers a varied menu of fly-out options using two- to four passenger float planes to take fishermen to a variety of productive watersheds.

One of the most popular is the Brooks River. The US Forest Service has set up a brown bear observation station here that allows guests to get an up, close and personal view of these enormous, marvelous animals as they feed on salmon stacked up Brooks Falls. A bit downriver, anglers can try for trophy rainbows and salmon, combining exciting fishing with a uni~ue wildlife experience.

King-Salmon-bigAll five species of Pacific migrate up the major rivers in this region, providing superb fishing opportunities from late June when the huge kings begin to show, through the late summer when anglers pursue the acrobatic silvers. Char, grayling, and dolly varden are also abundant. Many anglers prefer to concentrate on the rainbow trout, drifting an egg pattern or brightly colored fly or spoon near the spawning salmon. Rainbows of two to five pounds are commonplace and eight pounders are possibilities. During the mid to late August through September time frame, huge rainbows will drop down from the Naknek Lake in a late season feeding binge. Ten pounders can be sighted frequently. For the angler who wants a bragging-size trout, this is the prime time, and it’s convenient.

King Salmon Guides does not own and operate a lodge as they wish to concentrate on fishing rather on the enormous responsibilities of maintaining a resort. Guests are accommodated in one of two motel-style resorts in King Salmon. Both facilities offer comfortable, fully modern accommodations with all the standard amenities. Guests choosing the King Ko will find newly remodeled facilities plus breakfast and dinner provided each day. The Quinnat Landing, offers more upscale facilities, but meals are not included. (There are a variety of restaurants in town eager to provide hearty breakfasts and dinners for those who opt for this facility. Each motel works closely with King Salmon Guides to give plenty of personal attention to guests.

Again, this unique approach allows the owners of KSG to concentrate 100% on making sure the guests enjoy the type of fishing one expects from Alaska.

A wide range of packages is available. As an example, one includes three nights accommodations, three days of fishing including one fly-out and one day fishing/bear watching at Katmai Park at $1399 per angler. Or for a longer stay, seven days fishing and seven nights, including three days on the Naknek, three days fly-out fishing and one day at Katmai, for $3650 per angler. For fishermen who have very limited time, there is a two days of fishing for $899. Trips can start start and terminate on any day of the week and one can use fly fishing, casting or spinning equipment.

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