Everything you need for your next hiking trip – The Outdoor Women

Hiking is a great way to get outdoors, explore new sights, and promote better mental and physical health.

But before you get your walking boots on, there are few items you should pack in your bag that will help make your day that little bit less stressful and way more enjoyable.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro rambler at heart, you should never leave the house without these items.


It might seem simple, but a good-sized water bottle is a must-have. And not just for while you’re hiking. Make sure to have an extra bottle filled in the car for when you get back. Using a good quality, re-usable water bottle that keeps it chilled on your day trip will help you stay fresh and energized.

If you don’t want to carry a bottle, there are hydration pack bags that allow you to drink fluids while on the go through a straw tube.

Weather protection

No matter what time of year you’re hiking, you could still get too hot or too cold. You might even get sunburned, so it’s important to pack for all occasions, unless you can guarantee the weather. You can get a compact waterproof or poncho, and a tube scarf if you think it’ll get windy and cold. For the summer months, you should never leave the house without good sunscreen, as you can easily get sunburned on your shoulders, face, and parting without even realizing it.

If you wear glasses, clip on sunglasses are a great shout. They’re perfect for clipping onto your prescription glasses when it gets a little too bright. That way, you’ll still be able to see all the beautiful views on your hike, without have to squint or strain your eyes.

Clip on sunglasses are also way easier than constantly having to switch from one pair of glasses to sunglasses whenever the sun shows its face.

A power bank

Though part of the excitement of hiking in the mountains is going off the grid and enjoying being in nature, it’s always worth bringing a power bank. In case of an emergency, or if you get lost, you need to be able to contact mountain rescue or someone back home. That’s why having a power bank to hand can help. It would be less than ideal to waste all your battery snapping the views, only to find you can’t find your way home.

As a backup, you should always make sure someone knows where you’re planning on going, just in case.

A first aid kit

There are a whole range of injuries you can experience during a hike. Anything from a sprained ankle to a nettle sting or a cut. Packing a small first aid kit will help you cover the basics so that one small injury doesn’t ruin the whole trip. For a simple day hike, make sure to pack bandages, gauze, and tape, as well as standard painkillers, alcohol wipes, and a safety pin.

This kit list isn’t supposed to scare you, just keep you prepared for any scenario. It’s always important to pack the essentials so that you can enjoy your hike as much as possible.

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