Located next to Ohmer Creek Campground, this trail follows Ohmer Creek through mature temperate rainforest, muskeg, and over a beaver pond. The first section is barrier-free and has interpretive signs. The second section of the trail provides anglers with access to Ohmer Creek and adjacent beaver ponds.Length (one way): 1 mile
Rating: First 0.25 mile is Easiest (barrier-free); remaining 0.75 mile is More Difficult
USGS Map: Petersburg C-3
Access: Both the campground and the trail at Ohmer Creek are 22 miles from Petersburg on the Mitkof Highway. The highway is paved for 17 miles, then gravel, in good condition, for the remaining 5 miles.
Description: The barrier-free part of the trail begins at a small parking area off the Mitkof Highway. It follows the creek, crosses Woodpecker Cove Road (#6280) near its junction with the highway, and ends at the boardwalk of the next section. This segment of the trail is wide with a mostly flat, gravel surface.
The second segment of the trail begins as boardwalk from the end of the gravel and leads through spruce and hemlock forest to a floating bridge over a beaver pond. From the pond, the trail continues through muskeg and timber and ends at the bridge on the Snake Ridge Road (#6246). About half of the trail is boardwalk and other sections are muddy and uneven. Two spur trails lead from the main trail to fishing areas on Ohmer Creek.
From the trailhead at the Snake Ridge Road, turn left and follow the road to its junction with the Woodpecker Cove Road. Turn left again onto the Woodpecker Cove Road and follow it back to the Mitkof Highway.
Attractions: Interpretive signs along the first segment of the trail describe the natural history of fisheries and methods of improving fisheries habitat. Ohmer Creek offers fair to good trout and salmon fishing in late summer and fall. King Salmon return to the creek in June and July.
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